ORT 3단계 - Pond Dipping (연못 낚시)

 Pond Dipping

연못 낚시 

Wilf and Wilma were at the pond.

Wilf 와 Wima는 연못에 나갔어요.

The net got stuck. 

그물이 걸렸어요.

"Help me pull", said Wilf.

“잡아당기는 걸 도와줘,” Wilf가 말했어요.

They pulled the net.

그들은 그물을 잡아당겼어요.

It was stuck on some junk.

그물은 어떤  쓰레기 더미에 걸렸어요.

Wilma got a big stick.

Wilma는 큰 막대기를 가져왔어요.

"Let's pull it out," she said.

“잡아당겨 보자,” 그녀가 말했어요.

Wilf and Wilma pulled.

Wilf와 Wilma는 잡아당겼어요.

They couldn't pull the junk out.

그들은 그 쓰레기 더미를 끌어올릴 수 가 없었어요.

Mum and Dad helped.

엄마와 아빠가 도와줬어요.

They pulled out an old pram

그들은 낡은 유모차를 끌어올렸어요.

Plop! A frog hopped out.

팔딱! 개구리가 뛰어나왔어요.

It made Wilf jump.

Wilf는 거기에 놀라서 뛰었어요.

Splash! A fish jumped up.

첨벙! 물고기가 뛰어올랐어요.

"A pram full of fish," said Dad

물고기로 가득 찬 유모차구나,” 아빠가 말했어요.

"Pram dipping!" said Wilma.

“유모차 낚시구나!” Wilma가 말했어요

pond dipping


What is the pond dipping? 

Pond dipping is an activity that involves using a net or a container to scoop up samples of water from a pond or other body of water and then observing and identifying the organisms that are found in the sample.

During pond dipping, a person typically wades into the shallow water or stands on the edge of the pond to dip a net or container into the water. They then gently swish the net or container around in the water to collect some of the plants, animals, and other organisms living in the pond.

Once the sample has been collected, the person can examine the organisms more closely, either in the water or by transferring them to a shallow tray or bucket of water. This can be a fun and educational activity for children and adults alike, as it allows them to learn more about the biodiversity and ecological communities of ponds and other freshwater habitats.


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