ORT 4단계 - #3. Come in!

Come In!

come in

Dad was painting the door. Mum went out.

아빠는 색칠하고 있었어요 그 문을. 엄마는 외출했어요.

Wilf and Wilma came to play.

윌프와 윌마는 놀러 왔어요.

"Come in," said Dad.

​"들어와," 말했어요 아빠가

Three children came to the house. They came to play with Biff.

세명의 아이들이 왔어요 집으로. 그들은 와서 놀았어요 비프와 함께.

"Come in," said Biff.

"들어와," 말했어요 비프가.

Four children came to the house. They came to play with Chip.

네명의 아이들이 왔어요 집에. 그들은 왔어요 놀기 위해 칩과 함께

"Come in," said Chip.

"들어와," 말했어요 칩이.

Five children came to play. They wanted to play with Kipper.

다서명의 아이들이 왔어요 놀기위해. 그들은 원했어요 노는 것을 키퍼와 함께

"Come in," said Kipper.

"들어와," 말했어요 키퍼가.

Mum came home.

엄마가 집으로 왔어요.

"What a lot of children! What a mess!" she said.

"많은 아이들이구나, 엉망징창이야!" 그녀가 말했어요.

Mum looked for Biff, Chip and Kipper. They were watching television.

엄마는 비프와 칩 그리고 키퍼를 찾았어요, 그들은 보는중이었어요 텔레비젼을

Mum was cross.

엄마는 화가 났어요.

Mum gave the children some biscuits.

엄마는 주었어요 아이들에게 약간의 비스켓들을.

They all went home.

그들은 모두 집으로 갔어요.

Mum went outside. "Oh no!" said Mum.

엄마는 밖으로 나갔어요."오 안돼!" 말했어요 엄마가.

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