ORT 3단계 - The Steel Band
The Steel Band
A band came to play.
한 밴드가 연주를 하러 왔어요.
"My name is Stan." said a man.
"나의 이름은 Stan입니다." 한 남자가 말했어요.
"I want you to help us."
"나는 당신이 우리를 돕는 것을 원합니다."
"I want you to clap." he said.
"나는 박수 치는 것을 원해요." 그가 말했어요.
"Clap your hands and tap your feet."
"손으로 박수 치고, 발로 가볍게 두드리세요."
"I wnat you to sing a song."
"나는 당신이 노래하는 것을 원합니다."
"Sing it with us."
"노래해요 우리와 함께"
The children sang with the band.
그 아이들은 밴드와 함께 노래했어요.
"Now clap as you sing." said Stan.
"이제 노래하면서 박수 치세요." Stan이 말했어요.
"Who wants to play in the band?"
"누가 밴드에서 연주하기를 원하나요?"
The children put up their hands.
그 아이들이 그들의 손을 들었어요.
Everyone wanted to play.
모두가 연주하는 것을 원해요.
"You can all play." said Stan.
"너희들 모두 연주할 수 있어." Stan이 말했어요
Wilf hit the drum.
Wilf는 드럼을 쳤어요.
"Tap it," said Stan. "Don't bang it."
"그것을 두드려" Stan이 말했어요. "그것을 쾅쾅 치지 말아라."
What a grand band!
훌륭한 밴드야!
What is the steel band?
The steel band, also known as a steelpan or pan, is a musical instrument that originated in Trinidad and Tobago in the early 20th century. It is made by taking a large, metal barrel or drum and shaping the metal into a concave, bowl-like shape with different sized sections that create different notes when struck.
The playing technique involves striking the steel pan with a pair of rubber-tipped mallets or sticks to create different rhythms and melodies. The notes produced by the steel pan can range from deep, resonant bass notes to high-pitched, sparkling treble notes, and the instrument can be played solo or as part of a larger ensemble.
Steel bands are an important part of Trinidadian culture and are often associated with the annual Carnival celebrations. The popularity of steel bands has also spread around the world, with many bands and ensembles in other countries playing steel pan music and incorporating it into their own musical traditions.