ORT 3단계 - Kipper the Clown

Kipper the Clown

The children put on a circus.

그 아이들은 서커스를 개최했어요.

Kipper was a clown.

Kipper 는 광대 였어요.

Floopy pulled his leg.

Floopy 는 그의 다리를 잡아당겼어요.

Chip was a strong-man.

Chip 은 강한 남자 였어요.

He made everyone laugh.

그는 모두를 웃게 만들었어요.

Wilma and Biff did gymnastics.

Wilma 와  Biff 는 체조를 했어요.

Everyone had a drink.

모두가 음료를 마셨어요.

"What a good circus!" said Mum.

"훌륭한 서커스군!" 엄마가 말했어요.

Wilf was a stuntman.

Wilf 는 스턴트맨 이었어요.

Kipper was fed up.

Kipper는 싫증이 났어요.

He wanted to be a stuntman.

그는 스턴트맨을 원했어요.

"Look at me!" he said.

“날봐” 그가 말햇어요.

Everyone looked at Kipper.

모두가 Kipper 를 보았어요.

Oh no!

오 안돼!

"I am a clown, after all," said Kipper.

“결국, 나는 광대야” Kipper가 말했어요.

Kipper the Clown

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