ORT 3단계 - The Egg Hunt

The Egg Hunt

Kate came to stay.

Kate는 머무르기 위해 왔어요.

Mum and Kate made a cake.

엄마와 Kate는 케이크를 만들었어요.

Kate put little eggs on it.

Kate는 작은 달걀을 그것 위에 놓았어요.

Wilma looked at the little eggs.

Wilma는 그 작은 달걀을 바라봤어요.

She had an idea.

그녀는 아이디어를 가지고 있었어요.

Wilma went to the park.

Wilma는 공원에 갔어요.

She wanted to hide some eggs. 

그녀는 약간의 달걀을 숨기기를 원했어요.

She put them in the trees. 

그녀는 그것들을 나무안에 놓았어요.

She put them in the flowers.

그녀는 그것들을 꽃 안에 놓았어요.

Wilf and Kate came to the park. 

Wilf와 Kate는 공원에 왔어요.

“You can look for eggs,” said Wilma. 

”너는 달걀을 찾을 수 있어” Wilma가 이야기 했어요.

Kate looked for the eggs. 

Kate는 그 달걀을 찾았어요.

“Where are they?” She said.

”그들이 어디에 있지?” 그녀가 말했어요.

The squirrels had them. 

그 청솔모들이 그것들을 가져갔어요.

“Squirrels like eggs,’ said Kate.

“청솔모는 달걀을 좋아해”  Kate가 말했어요.

“So do I” she said. 

“나도 그래” 그녀가 말했어요.

The Egg Hunt


What is The Egg Hunt?

An Egg Hunt is a game or activity where participants, often children, search for hidden eggs, usually filled with candies, chocolates or other small prizes. The eggs can be made of various materials such as plastic, foil, or even real eggs.

The tradition of egg hunting is commonly associated with Easter celebrations and is believed to have originated from Pagan spring festivals. In modern times, many communities and organizations organize egg hunts as a fun activity for children during the Easter season.

The rules of the egg hunt can vary, but typically involve hiding the eggs in a designated area and allowing the participants to search for them. Sometimes, the eggs are hidden in plain sight while other times, they can be more difficult to find. The person who finds the most eggs or a specific prize egg may be awarded a special prize.

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