ORT 3단계 - Dragons!



The children went to the woods with Mrs May.

그 아이들은 갔어요 그 숲에 메이 여사(선생님)와 함께

“You can make wigwams,” said Mrs May.

“너는 만들 수 있어 천막들을“ 메시 여사가 말했어요

The children went to get sticks.

그 아이들은 갔어요, 나무막대기들을 가지러

”Look at that!” said Biff.

“저것 좀 봐!” 비프가 말했어요.

“It’s a dragon!” said Wilf.

“그것은 용이야!” 윌프가 말했어요.

“Did you see the green dragon?” said Biff.

너는 봤는 그 녹색 용을?” 비프가 말했어요.

“Don’t be silly!” Said chip.

”바보가 되지마!“ 칩이 말했어요.

”Look,” said wilf. “Did you see that?”

“봐” 윌프가 말했어요, ”저거 봤어?”

“It’s a red dragon!” said Biff.

“것은 붉은 용이야!”  비프가 말했어요.

“Did you see the dragons?” said Wilf.

“너는 그 용을 봤어?” 윌프가 말했어요.

“Don’t be sill!” said Chip.

“바보가 되지마!“ 칩이 말했어요.

“See!” said Biff. “We did see dragons.”

“봐!” 비프가 말했어요. “우리는 봤어 용들을,” 

“They are in a play. We can go see it,” said Mrs May.

“그들은 연극중이야. 우리는 가서 볼 수 있어 그것을,” 메이 여사가 말했어요.

So the children went to see the play.

그래서 그 아이들은 갔어요 보기위해 그 연극을

The dragons sang a song.

그 용들은 불렀어요 노래를.

Then the dragons did a jig.

그리고 그 용들은 했어요  지그(춤)를

“The dragons are fun,” said Chip

“그 용들은 재미있다,” 칩이 말했어요.


What is the jig?

The jig is a type of dance that originated in Ireland and Scotland in the 16th century. It is a lively dance characterized by quick steps, usually performed by one or two dancers. The music for jigs is traditionally played on a fiddle, accompanied by a bodhrán (a type of Irish drum) or other percussion instruments.

Jigs can be divided into two main types: single jigs and double jigs. Single jigs are in 6/8 time, meaning there are six beats per measure and the eighth note gets the emphasis, while double jigs are in 6/8 or 12/8 time and are typically faster than single jigs.

Jigs are often associated with Irish and Scottish culture and are commonly performed at ceilidhs (traditional social gatherings) and other events, such as weddings and festivals. In addition to Ireland and Scotland, jigs are also popular in other countries with a strong Celtic heritage, such as Canada, the United States, and Australia.   

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